Geography and Environmental Systems (GES)
Rylee Wernoch is a recent ICARE NRT graduate who explored interdisciplinary collaboration between environmental scientists and faith leaders in Baltimore. Her research explores connections between the Participatory Sciences, the Black Church and the importance of shared language. Rylee’s thesis investigates:
1. A case-study about developing a Participatory Science framework with grassroots organizations, and Black Churches in Baltimore.
2. The leadership that the Black Church provides in organizing for social change, and considers how the Participatory Sciences should learn from this legacy when utilizing science for social change.
3. The importance of shared vocabulary when building relationships across science and faith, and the potential for conversations about language as an avenue to express worldviews.
UMBC Mentor: Dawn Biehler
Partner Mentor: Alison Cawood (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center)
Community Stakeholder: Terris King II (Temple X)